Monday, December 19, 2005

Happy Re-Birthday, David

''This is the call we've been waiting for...''
With those words, at 6 AM, a year ago today, I woke Nancy with a telephone call from my hospital room at NYU.
I had known for almost two hours that a donor had passed away who was a match for me and I would get a new liver that day.
A year later, at 6 AM, I headed out the door for a 3.5-mile walk in the sweet air, joined by deer romping in the snow, and said my thanks as I do every morning. I thought my tears today would become icicles on my cheeks. The I-Pod's random brain brought me Van Morisson's ''A Brand New Day.''
As this day goes on, spare a thought with me for my 53-year-old anonymous female donor and her family - for everyone on a transplant list - and for organ donors and their families everywhere.

More later...


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