Wednesday, April 30, 2008

It's LIVER WALK time again...

Hi Folks -
It's getting to be the time of year where we walk our livers - and the rest of us - to raise money for research into fighting liver disease.
Raise your hands everyone who has a liver! of you...

It's time for Liver Walk 2008!

The Save David Foundation Team is again participating in the NYC and NJ Liver Walks as we've done in each year since 2005.

Please join us as a fundraiser and a walker...

Sunday June 1 at Liberty State Park, Jersey City, NJ
8:30 AM registration - rain or shine
5K (3.1 mile) Walk (or run, if you like) with spectacular views of the Statue of Liberty and the New York skyline!

Sunday June 8 at Castle Clinton, Battery Park City, in Lower Manhattan
8:30 AM registration - rain or shine
5K (3.1 mile) Walk (or run, if you like) with spectacular views of the Statue of Liberty and the Jersey City - Hoboken skyline!

If you can't attend and would like to contribute, please click the following link for on-line donations

important - click on team members and select David Bird or another team member.
Or, to avoid David's picture on our home page, go directly to

For information on making offline contributions (cash/check) contact David at

For further information about Liver Walk and the American Liver Foundation go to

Come Back Next Year ... And Bring Your Liver!

There's no news like good news and this is big news.
I passed my latest check up at NYU with flying colors this week and don't have to report back for a year, says Dr. Thomas Diflo, who performed my life-saving liver transplant more than 40 months ago. Looks like next time I'll be back will be to speak to an incoming orientation group or to celebrate at the holiday party.
We continue to count or blessings and pray for all awaiting transplants, all donors and donor families and all who work in transplant medicine.
Now, if I could just get my company's new pharmacy plan to actually ship me the meds that are keeping me alive, I'll be making real progress!

Let the GAMES...begin

Hi friends - Let the games begin - the big games of the summer.
No, not the Olympics - the big event where all the athletes are proud to say they are on steroids - the 2008 Transplant Games. I'll be competing on NY-NJ Team Liberty in the 20K bike race in Pittsburgh, Pa in the July 11-16 games. The event, sponsored by the National Kidney Foundation, is a huge promotional event for raising awareness of the need for organ donations and to honor donor families.
Time to get on the bike!
Be well and thanks for your support!