Friday, December 31, 2004

STAR-LEDGER: "A Miracle In The Form Of A Liver"

Folks - since we couldn't set an electronic link, I'm
typing in Paula Saha's Around The Towns column from
Thursday Dec. 30 Star-Ledger Morris Towns edition.

Here's the full story:

''It's a wonderful life,'' wrote David C. Bird of Long
Hill Township in a posting on his Web site on Dec. 26.

That's not just homage to the movie that is so popular
at this time of year. It is the exhilaration of a man
who is returning home whole to his family.

Since July, Bird, 46, had been suffering from a severe
form of hepatitis that doctors believe he picked up on
a business trip to Beirut. Bird, a correspondent for
Dow Jones Newswires and father of two, needed a liver

Early this month, the family put out a plea for a
living donor, someone who would be willing to give
half of their liver to Bird. But before anyone could
be matched, Bird's illness grew so severe that he
became ineligible for a living donor.

Ironically enough, the sicker he got, the better his
chances became of getting a liver. He became so ill
that he was placed at the top of the waiting list, and
on Dec. 20, he received one.

''He had a liver transplant,'' his wife, Nancy Bird,
said breathlessly. She paused, as the import of what
she said sunk in, and began to weep.

''They found him a liver and he had the surgery and
he's doing great...It's a Christmas miracle.''

For the next week, he recovered at the New York
University Medical Center. On Christmas Day, they
moved him out of the intensive care unit and into a
room with a view and a phone.

The whole experience has been incredible for the Bird
family. Nancy Bird recalled that when they were
looking for a living donor - the put together a flier
and distributed it through friends and other
organizations - they got responses from eight people.

Four of them were friends. Two were friends or
of friends; two were just random people who heard
about their plight, were the right blood type and
wanted to help.

''We never, ever approached somebody, but we were just
amazed at the number of people the came forward,''
said Nancy Bird. ''There are just some really amazing
brave people out there that want to help, they're
truly altruistic. They're heroes in our hearts.''

In his posting on the Web log at this Web site
(, David thanks the ataff of NYU
Medical Center and makes a pledge: ''Now that my world
has been reshaped, I have plans to reshape the world
on behalf of organ donor awareness. There is a great
bumper sticker here at the hospital that reads,
''Don't take your organz to heaven. Heaven knows we
need them here.''

Thanks to Paula at or
We excuse the small error on the date of the
transplant, which took place Dec. 19 - my new
birthday! - not Dec. 20.

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There's No Place Like Home...

Folks, with a raucous cry of ''David is Sav-ed'' Dr.
Lewis Teperman ordered my release from the NYU
Transplant Unit today 12 days after giving me my new
liver. Nancy and I got home around 3:30 PM to find
that neighborhood elves had strung yellow ribbons and
"Welcome home, Dad" balloons all around the front of
the house. We celebrated in relaxing style - with a
roaring fire in the fireplace, Pizza Mill pizza and
sparkling cider and a cocktail of 14 different meds.
Looking forward to tomorrow when the final neck
bandage comes off and I can shave my face, so I don't
resemble a just out of his spider hole Saddam. I've
still got a stomach patch which needs to get dressed
for leakage and an emergency quick-entry spaghetti
strand dangling from below my right ribs in case they
need to make a quick entry to drain any fluids.
Another fresh pair of white thigh-highs for my
Christmas stockings and I'm back. Fresh air was quite
a concept after 23 days and truly events are more
tiring than one thinks. It's amazing how much sleep
you do in the hospital without realizing it. But I'm
ready to do my part, there are lost episodes of
PeeWee's Playhouse among the DVD sets Nancy got me for
Christmas - with the secret word for today as "HOME" -
scream real loud. The Star Ledger delivered a nice
piece today, but got the date of fhe transplant wrong
by a day as Dec. 20. We are back to NYU on Monday for
blood work and Tuesday for an early assessment at the
clinic. Looking forward to strolling into a warm 2005.
Tasha introduced me to her new bug and butterfly
collection while Alex showed what a true Jedi he has
become with his one-sided green light sabre. The song
on loop in my head today continues to be Oh Happy Day,
by the Edwin Hawkins singers. It will take a while to
pry that one loose - May the Force Be With You.

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Wednesday, December 29, 2004

This time it's for real

Barring any unforseen events overnight, David will be
coming home tomorrow, Thursday, December 30, 2004. I
know I've said this before and things changed but I
truly believe it to be true this time.

As a homecoming gift, the Star Ledger is expected to
run a story on David tomorrow (12/30). Look for it.

David looks great and feels great too. The doctors
have reduced his meds so that he is not as hyper as he
was a few days ago. He exercised today in the
hospital gym and really enjoyed working out on the
semi-recumbent bike while gazing out onto the East
River. David joked that he lost his yellow skin and
got a yellow jersey. He also laughed that he was
"escaping in style"

His appetite is back and he relishes every bite of
each meal. He is the perfect patient -- complimentary
to the staff (he knows all their names), friendly,
kind and a model patient. It's obvious that he
appreciates every single thing they do and they
appreciate having someone who is so grateful,
cooperative and pleasant to deal with!

David has a calendar of daily quotes with him and
today's read: "It is not how troubled the sea is that
determines the course of your life: it is who the
Pilot is." David is piloting this so amazingly. I am
so very proud of him and I can't wait to have him back
Love to all,

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Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Roller Coaster

The roller coaster of emotion continues as David is
healing in the hospital. Today doctors are now saying
maybe he can come home on Thursday. He is very sad
about that. Although his progress is still very good,
the doctors are still trying to sort out the proper
dosage of meds.

He had a good night sleep last night which he really
needed because the meds had him so hyped up he didn't
know what to do with himself. When he called me at
5:00am "just to chat" I knew the doctors would have to
fix that!

We continue to take one day at a time and bless every
day that we have. We are still hoping that he will be
home to celebrate (as best he can) the New Year.
Lots of love,

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Monday, December 27, 2004

A few more days until the homecoming

Unfortunately, David was not released from the
hospital today. He is still, "toxic" as the doctor
put it. He is now saying maybe Wednesday. David was
obviously disappointed but said, "hey, what's a few
days when you have the rest of your life." He is in
good spirits and his mind is working overtime on some
tremendous ideas. The meds he is on is making his
imagination soar, and we all know he already had a
soaring imagination.

He will be home soon and that is the most important
Love to all,

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Coming Home

What I am about to tell you will surely shock and
amaze you. David is expected to come home tomorrow,
Monday, December 27, 2004, one week and a day after
his liver transplant. His doctors say his recovery
has been remarkable and they credit his desire to come
home to his loving family as what encouraged him to do
so well.
David has been in the hospital for 20 days and is so
anxious to be home and see Alex and Tasha. You can't
imagine how much he misses them.

David will need plenty of time to rest at home, but he
is so anxious to see the many friends who have
inspired him and kept him strong throughout all of
Lots of love,

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Sunday, December 26, 2004

It's a wonderful life

On Christmas Day the doctors at NYU gave David yet
another Christmas gift...they transfered him out of
ICU and moved him to a room with a view and a phone!
They have disconnected almost all of the IV's and
various tubes from his body. He is up walking around
and requested that I bring him his electric razor and
nail clippers. He is anxious to do a little grooming
to get rid of the Howard Hughes look he has going on,
even though he feels as rich as Howard Hughes.
He is anxious to come home and just may be coming home
early this week.

The following message is directly from David:

It's a wonderful life. I learned today from doctors
that with my vastly and steadily improving condition,
I should be released from the hospital in a matter of
days and certainly by the New Year. A better
Christmas present couldn't exist. Today is a day to
pay an extra special thank you to all of the Angels
who walk amoung us. The thousands of dedicated,
cheerful, inspired, miraculous doctors, nurses and
aides who work everyday miracles in extremely tough
conditions but always with dignity, carrying hands and
loving professionalism. These are truly among the
greatest people you could ever want to meet. A
hospital is a place where no one wants to be but if
you have to be there, none is better than the NYU
Transplant Center. As everyone counts their blessings,
and we have so much to be thankful for, please say an
extra prayer for each and everyone of these people
tonight. For the last 8 years on Christmas Day there
has been a transplant surgery at NYU. Let's pray that
they keep that streak intact and that yet another
joyous soul is getting the organ they need to thrive
and survive. (In fact,they did do a liver transplant
on Christmas night.)

It's a wonderful life. Now that my world has been
reshaped, I have plans to reshape the world on behalf
of organ donor awareness. There is a great bumper
sticker here at the hospital that reads, "Don't take
your organs to heaven. Heaven knows we need them

Thanks to all of our loving and giving friends. We
hope you have a wonderful Christmas with the closeness
of your families. Give everyone an extra special hug
and kiss for us tonight. We will all say a prayer of
thanks and we'll see you all very soon!
God Bless you all.
Love David

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Friday, December 24, 2004

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas!!! This is a Christmas we will never
forget. We are truly blessed to have received the
gift of life. David's birthday is September 6, 1958
but his rebirth day is December 19, 2004. We are
also so blessed to have such wonderful people
surrounding us. Thank you for standing by our side
during all of this.

David's spirits were high today. Very emotional but
delighted none the less. He told me it was a great
day. I think he will be saying that for the rest of
his life!

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a happy and
healthy New Year!
Lots of Love,

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Thursday, December 23, 2004

Day by day

First I want to thank all of you who are posting
messages to the Blog and sending emails directly to
David. I wish I could respond to each and everyone of
you but please know that your messages brighten our
day. I print every one out and each day David says,
did you get any emails? We spend a good half hour
(not necessarily all in one go) reading the emails at
the hospital and crying over most of the well wishes.
Believe me they are happy tears..keep them coming, it
really does make David feel good and it passes the

Today, David had a routine procedure to check the flow
of the connecting arteries, veins and bile duct. The
good news is they are all clear and working well.
David is sitting up for each meal and seems to have a
good appetite. Now, if his body would just let him
keep the food in, he would be doing much better. The
meds are wrecking havoc on him but the doctors are
constantly altering them. He is on heavy duty
immunosuppressents and anti-rejection meds, along with
a whole host of other meds that he will be on for the
rest of his life.

Some of the drugs are causing him to have ferocious

nightmares. David has always
been a very vivid dreamer, I can only imagine the
intensity of these. In days past, he would ask me
every morning if I had any dreams. He almost always
did and wanted to share them. David would often ask
Alex and Tasha too and they love to share their dreams
with him.

This morning, David told me he awoke to a stunning
purple and orange striped sky. He said it was the most
beautiful sunrise he has ever seen. This is coming
from a man who travels and often stops to appreciate
the beauty of a sunrise or a sunset from anywhere in
the world.

We are so blessed to have received our Christmas
miracle and although I am saddened, as Christmas
approaches, that he will be missing Christmas morning
with the children, I know that there will be many
Christmas's to come and truly everyday is Christmas
from now on.
Love to all,

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Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Post Op - Day 3

David had a better day today. His color looks better
everyday and his eyes really are starting to look
white again. I am amazed at how quickly that changes.
The doctors are monitoring his kidney functions
closely which have been compromised throughout all of
this but that is to be expected.

According to David, they weighed him today in a
"medieval bed scale" He said it was like measuring
how many ducks equal his weight. Sounds pretty
bizarre, sorry I missed it.

My visits with him have been short since he needs lots
of rest and the doctors and nurses are constantly
doing one thing or another on him. All good stuff,
like removing tubes and reducing meds.

We have noticed that so many of the transplant
patients tend to have an additional surgery while they
are recovering to fix something. David told me today
that he is determined to NOT have another surgery
while he is there. He has put his mind to it and he
continues to impress the doctors with his strength.

Many have asked if Alex and Tasha will be able to see
David on Christmas. Unfortunately, the answer is no.
They are too little to enter the Transplant ward. You
must be over 13 to enter the ward and over 18 for ICU.
The children will not be able to see him until he
comes home and only if they get rid of the colds they
both have. It will be a real challenge to keep David
cold free in the next 3 months but his life depends on
it. We will be doing a lot of hand washing and
spraying lysol around here!

Anyone who might consider visiting should really wait
until David is out of ICU. I'll let you know when
that happens. Also, please don't come if you have a
He wants to give everyone a great big hug but only
when he is feeling much better.

Thank you for your continued prayers and well wishes.
They have certainly made a difference in our lives.
Lots of love,

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A rough road ahead

David has been in the hospital for the past 15 days.
Today was the first day that he was cranky. Well
deserved, I say, and well earned!! He was
uncomfortable and very tired and the doctors and
nurses kept coming in and pulling tubes out, sticking
tubes in, changes bandaged, etc., etc. I was there
for 3 hours and only got to see him for about 15
minutes because of all the mini procedures. I stuck
around late in the day so that I could spend more time
with him. We actually got a whole hour in later. It
is all good, he is progressing remarkably and tomorrow
will be a better day.

He is on the long road to recovery but as my friend
Rachel said, "it's better to be on the road then off
of it." Indeed!

Love to all,

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Tuesday, December 21, 2004

David is amazing

David is doing very well. Yesterday morning the
doctors took the respirator off and by the afternoon
he had the oxygen mask off. He is able to speak to me
and says he feels like he got hit by a truck. He is
doing remarkable for what he has been through. They
even had him up and out of bed late in the afternoon.
He wasn't very steady on his feet and it took a lot
out of him to stand up. When he was back in bed he
said to the nurse, "wow, that was great, I feel like I
just ran the marathon." He is expected to get out of
bed again today and walk alittle. AMAZING!

His coloring is already looking much better. He is
starting to get his pinkish glow back instead of the
Homer Simpson yellow. His eyes are swollen and when
he asked the nurse about it she said, "the whites of
your eyes are swollen", David said, "the WHITES of my
eyes? I love that expression".

Doctors say he will stay in ICU for another 3 days or
so and then transfer to a regular room. He just might
be home for the New Year, but we are just so happy
that he got his Christmas miracle and we are taking
one day at a time.
Love to all,

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Monday, December 20, 2004

David is recovering well

David's angel arrived yesterday with a new liver for
him. I received the call from David at 6:00am on
Sunday, December 19,2004. David said to me,"this is
the call you have been waiting for...they have my
liver." He was very calm and matter of fact. He told
me they would take him into surgery at 8:00am and that
I shouldn't try to rush into the hospital before the
surgery. He asked me to get some nourishment and then
go to church to pray for him and for the family of the
deceased donor. He was very calm and very sure that
this was his Christmas miracle. They took him down
for surgery at 8:45am. The nurses told me not to come
to the hospital until around 6:00pm. I said,
"6:00pm???" and then she said, "well, you can come at
5:00pm if you want to." I was there by 3:00pm!! The
nurses assured me they wouldn't see him until around
5:00pm, so I went to the main lobby and took a nap.
At 4:30 I woke up and started making my way up to his
floor thinking I would wait there so the doctors could
find me. When I got to the ICU to check on his
status, they said, "oh, there you are, the doctor was
looking for you when he came out of surgery around
3:00pm" I couldn't believe it. Meanwhile, David was
brought back to ICU at about 4:30pm. I got to see him
immediately and he looked great. He was still out of
it but the nurses all said he was in really great
shape. I spoke to the Surgeon and he said everything
went well. "Perfect, in fact". David immediately
responded positively to the new organ which was
donated by someone of similiar age and size. The
doctor said the new liver was in very good condition.
The only thing we know for sure about the donor liver
is that it came from the Bronx. You gotta love the
Bronx!! (I was thankful David didn't reject it since
it may very well have come from a Yankees fan.)

David is recovering well and is just waking up now.
They will remove his breathing tube today and actually
get him up out of bed to get his blood flowing through
the new organ. It is incredible.

Thank you all for your prayers, your thoughts, your
well wishes and the enormous love and support you have
provided us. David and I have stayed strong and
positive throughout this because we have such
wonderful family and friends around us. His angel
came from heaven but you have been our angels on earth
supporting us.

I want to thank the family of the donor. We don't know
who you are but our thoughts and prayers are with you
at this difficult time. Your beloved's gift has saved
my husbands life and I cherish that gift and the
memory of this soul forever. Thank you for providing
his angel.
With all my love,

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Sunday, December 19, 2004


Our Christmas miracle is happening today. David is
getting his liver today. Please keep your prayers
alive for a smooth operation and speedy recovering.

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David is feeling inspired

David has been so uplifted by all the well wishes,
visitors and emails. He is looking forward to
returning the many hugs and kisses that have been sent
his way. He is buoyed by the video messages from the
kids and moved by my reports of fundraising efforts by
our community. He is truly inspired to write a book
about all of this some day and already has so many
chapters written in his mind. I have no doubt he
will accomplish that goal and come out of this as the
stongest supporter for organ donation. How can he

Daily visits from Father Anthony brighten his day.
This friendly Nigerian priest told David he had the
same face as his mentor. It was the first time David
was told that he reminded someone of a Nigerian man
held in such high regard. It warmed his heart.

David has been receiving such excellent care at NYU
Medical Center. All things considered, he is feeling
good and takes a stroll around everyday. We are
waiting, waiting, waiting for a healthy liver to come
soon. Thanks for all your love and support.

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Thursday, December 16, 2004

A visit from A. FluffyBunny

David is not hallucinating, he really did get a visit
from a nurse who calls himself A. FluffyBunny. His
job is to put in new IV's, when this 6'1" male nurse
wearing a red hawaiian shirt approached a dozing
David, he wasn't sure what was going on. When he read
his name tag he thought for sure he was hallucinating
when he saw his name, A. FluffyBunny. David couldn't
let this one go and when he asked him if it was his
real name he said, "yes". Here's his story, when he
turned 50 years old he decided to give himself a
birthday present and legally change his name to A.
FluffyBunny so that he can bring joy, laughter and
happiness to the people around him. What a guy!!
David made sure the other nurses around him could
support his story when he told it to me so that I
didn't think he was going crazy. His story checked
out. The nurse's friends call him the "Fluffmeister".

Another nurse, not A. FluffyBunny, said she has worked
every Christmas day for the last 8 years and every
year they do a transplant on Christmas Day, she said
to him, maybe this year it will be yours.
That's all for now.
love to all,

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December 15, 2004

David continues to be in good spirits and the doctors
have shared encouraging news that he may just get his
Christmas miracle. We are hoping and praying that he
gets a new liver by Christmas. It just might happen!
Your prayers are working.

I want to be clear that David is no longer a candidate
to receive half of a liver from a living donor. He is
too sick to survive on half of a liver, he needs a
whole liver which can only come from a deceased donor.
We want to thank the many brave and heroic people who
came forward to be tested and offered to give David
half of their liver. You are amazing people and we
will cherish your kindness forever. We also know
there are many more of you out there who wanted to
donate but were not the right blood type. I have
never witnessed a more loving group of people willing
to help. THANK YOU.

David is perfectly stable and strong and ready for
this surgery. He received a few visitors today and
that made him very happy. He misses Tasha and Alex so
much but the videotape messages have been great. The
kids love seeing Daddy on video too and continue to
sing silly songs and make funny faces.
Love to all,

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Wednesday, December 15, 2004

December 14, 2004

Although David transfered back to the Intensive Care
Unit today, his spirit is strong and he had a pretty
good day. I read him all the emails that we receive
in a day and I read him the blog that I posted last
night. When I asked him what he wanted me to write
today he said, "just keep it light". He has not lost
his sense of humor at all. When describing the white
thigh high stockings he is now sporting, he confessed
to me that he feels like a naughty school girl or
someone about to cross the Delaware with George
Washington. That's the David I know and love!!!

His new location provides a stunning view of the East
river and the neon Pepsi sign. He seems happy to be
back amoung his nurse buddies at the ICU and they are
taking excellent care of him. They granted his desire
to have some coffee today and I promptly ran out and
got him a cup of Starbucks coffee that he has been
craving. I must say, that really perked him up!! He
dictated two letters that I will hand deliver
tomorrow. One goes to David Letterman and the other
to Jon Stewart. He is a big fan of both comedians and
has utmost respect for their talent and celebrity
influence. Maybe they can support the cause of organ
donation and heighten the awareness that organ
donation really does save lives.

David loved seeing the beautifully decorated
tablecloth that so many of our friends contributed too
and like me, he is overwhelmed with the kindness in
our community. We always knew we were blessed, just
by having our children, but our friends and neighbors
have proven just how lucky we are.

Tasha's school picture came today and seeing her
beautiful smiling face really brightened David's day.
He kept kissing her picture. She is a radiant beauty.
I have been videotaping the kids almost every day and
sharing the video with David. He loved watching them
sing Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer. Today, he even
allowed me to videotape him. I tried to get him to
sing Rudolf the red nosed reindeer back to the kids
but he decided to read the book to them instead on a
digital audiorecorder.

David is drawing so much inspiration from so many
sources and he is staying so strong and positive. He
will beat this and he will be back to stun us with his
brillance and humor us with his puns. Love to all.

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Tuesday, December 14, 2004

David needs your prayers NOW

Good news & bad news. Although David was transfered
from ICU to a regular room over the weekend, he has
gotten progressively worse. The good news is that he
is sick enough to finally get the transplant that he
desperately needs, the bad news is they must still
find him a liver.

He needs your prayers now, folks. There are so many
of you out there praying for him. I know there are
prayer networks all over the world, in every religious
denomination. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, Now is the time
to put those prayers into full action. The door is
open for David to get this transplant, now he just
needs a donor.

Please know that you are not praying for someone to
die in order for David to get a liver. Pray for the
person who's time has come and pray that they have
agreed to be an organ donor. David's angel is out
there and I know his angel will find him soon.

David continues to be in good spirits. He was
thrilled to receive a 12 page "Star Wars" book that
Alexander made for him. Alex was the author and
illustrator of the book and was so proud to give it to
his Dad. When I asked Tasha what she thought I
should bring Daddy today to make him feel better she
named three things: medicine, lollipops and a
Christmas tree. She was right, those things did make
him feel better.

Let's hope and pray and believe that we will get a
Christmas miracle. We love you all.
Nancy Bird

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Thursday, December 09, 2004

Update on David...

On Tuesday night, December 7th,  David was rushed to the hospital because he was vomiting blood.    He spent a harrowing night at Overlook Hospital in Summit where they managed to stabilize him and stop the internal bleeding.
On Wednesday, December 8th he was transported by ambulance to NYU Medical Center,   Transplant Intensive Care Unit.   He is stabile and undergoing various testing to determine the cause of the bleeding.
I will keep you updated periodically.  Thank you for all your prayers.  Please keep them up!
Special thanks to the Long Hill Township Ambulance Squad for their quick response, excellent care and calming force.

Monday, December 06, 2004

Latest from David

I've had four wonderful people come forward to be
seriously considered as living donors. Unfortunately,
two had to back out - one on doctors' advice, the
other is self employed and can't afford the recovery
time from the surgery. Doctors say eight candidates
typically are presented before a suitable one is
found. I am still actively pursuing the live donor
route, but blood test results show I remain near the
cutoff point where it may be impossible to receive
half a liver from a live donor. As well as getting
into the large pool awaiting full liver transplants at
NYU, I am undergoing testing to be accepted into the
pool at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of
New Jersey in Newark. This will give me listing in two
regions, allowing me potentially to receive a liver
from as far away as West Virginia. Newark has a
smaller number of people awaiting the surgery than in
the pool at NYU. Recent doctor visits revealed I have
a high iron content in my blood, which may add to my
condition but isn't the cause of it. This condition is
believed to me Hemochromatosis - known as the Celtic
curse - as it very common in people of Irish and
Scottish heritage. It can have very serious
consequences and everyone of Celtic heritage should
read up on. See
As a result of many inquires on how people can
contribute funds to offset our costs not covered by
insurance, such as travel to New York several times a
week for doctors visits, we will be posting details
soon of the Save David Foundation. Ultimately, we hope
to be able to transfer left over funds to research
into liver disease or to others in a similar
Fortunately, I am to be at home, not in the hospital.
I've never had pain, as such, through this whole
ordeal, just abdominal discomfort. I'm on diaretics
now to help drain off fluid buildup, but I still feel
like a pregnant man with a bloated belly and severely
swollen feet and ankles.
I was able to attend Tasha's ballet recital Saturday
in which she danced to Frosty the Snowman, but haven't
been out otherwise except to go to visit doctors.
Thanksgiving was wonderful - my entire family of 14
was present, from as far away as London, England.
Despite what I'm going through now, I and my family
have so much to be thankful for. The amount of support
from our neighbors and friends have been overwhelming.
In addition to building the website and blog, many
cooked food for Thanksgiving, picked up groceries,
did laundry, raked and cleared the yard of leaves and
helped look after the kids. This has been a tremendous
help in lifting the burden from Nancy. Anonymous
friends even gave us a gift certificate for a
Christmas tree, and two neighbors, in mere hours put
down our new floor in the basement so we'd have more
available space for the kids to play with their
cousins at Thanksgiving. Churches of every
denomination in the region have offered prayers and
assistance. A friend who owns a printing company
turned over a press run to us to print flyers to help
spread the word.
Shortly after we learned that I needed a transplant, a
neighbor came to our door needing help. Despite the
need for Nancy to make numerous telephone calls
setting up appointments and waiting for calls from
doctors, she didn't hesitate in letting the woman use
our telephone. Seeing her obviously troubled, the
neighbor asked what was bothering her and after
hearing the story, she prayed with Nancy and gave a
calming hug, and left quickly after making her call. A
few days later, she returned to tell us that she now
understood the meaning of a dream she had the day she
came by the house. In that dream she was walking with
a man whose identity she didn't know. They were
heading toward an extremely rough sea. At one point
she lifted a wooden board and rescued a kitten, which
she hadn't ever seen before. The message to her in the
dream was that no matter how rough the sea got, it
wouldn't take us under. She realized upon meeting
Hippie Kitten on the day she used our phone that she
was the kitten in the dream and the man was me.
We remain optimistic and convinced that no matter how
high the seas get, they won't take us under.

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